
I’m always grateful when my clients let me know what has helped them

Adult clients

You helped me realise that I had so many defences, I’d made a prison for myself. You helped me feel like I can trust again, thank you.”

I was able to tell you things that I’ve never told anyone before, and I feel so much lighter now because of that.”

“I cant believe the difference that our sessions has made. Ive been on a journey of discovery, and having you by my side has helped so much. I feel much more positive about the future. I have hope now. 

Thank you for helping me with my anxiety. The strategies you gave me really helped and Im much more confident about leaving the house. I know I can do it, even when Im feeling overwhelmed. I think, ‘What would Jo say?’ 

The biggest thing you did for me was accept me. It helped me accept myself. I will really miss our sessions.

Younger clients

Thank you, Jo. Youve made a huge difference to me. 1,000%. I feel better about things at school and I cope better when things go wrong.

You make me feel like Im not weird after all. I like myself more now. I feel more comfortable at school, and Im able to say what I want and what I dont want.

Our sessions were so, so helpful, thank you. I now know when Im overthinking, or when Im being hard on myself, trying to make everything perfect. I realise theres no such thing as perfect, and its OK to be me.

Talking to you was like talking to a best friend, only better, because you really listened and you accept me just as I am.

My anger used to make me feel out of control. I dont feel that way now. You helped me understand all the other feelings that were underneath my anger.

“Thank you for helping me. You made me realise it’s OK to have feelings and helped me be able to talk about them.”